head journal

February 4th, 2014 : Art criticism ( Takeshi KANAZAWA )

In the process of translation

January 3rd, 2013 : The year has just started. Through my workshop window, I can see the bear trees. I remember so well when I was young: I would spend a lot of time drawing the trees outside, even when the weather was tough.

Read more: New Year message

July 8th, 2012 : After last year’s earthquake, I have the feeling I am still wandering in a shapeless and fluid world. However, I feel like have more colors and depth than so far. Besides, I am constantly looking for a more solid and moral painting.

Read more: One year after the Japanese earthquake

July 15th, 2009 : Kazuaki TAKAHASHI has been living in France for 30 years. He came to this country in 1979 when he was 20. Thirty years may sound like nothing, but it must have meant difficulties of all sorts. However, you cannot feel it throughout his artistic work.

Read more: Exhibition at the Tsukuba museum